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This is where all the action happens.
Book a call with me if you're finally ready to invest in you.


Natal Chart Astrology Reading

"Explore who you are with vulnerability and compassion. Reveal behaviour patterns that support or block you from living your full potential."

Chinese Astrology & Western Astrology

60mins - AUD $128
90 minutes - AUD $168

Why book a reading with me?
I use both Western and Chinese astrology to give you a comprehensive understanding of your question and situation. Together we will explore your unique energetics, your 'Qi' and how you can start using it to create the life that you want. Once you understand your 'Qi' you can:
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Regain access to your power & begin manifesting the life of your dreams.

If you're feeling lost or stuck a birth chart reading can help you realign with your life direction. We all deserve clarity, peace and confidence to move ever forwards in life. Live fully in freedom.